lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

What is the EU?

 Discover Europe´s different countries!

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

Europe´s relief

Physical Map of Europe

Interactive. Game

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2021

Palabras compostas

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021

Autonomous Communities

 Here are two maps... Can you find the autonomous communities?

And their capital city?    Let´s play and learn!!


Mapa para jugar. ¿Dónde está? Comunidades autónomas de España - Mapas  Interactivos



España: Comunidades autónomas - Juego de Mapas



 Mapa interactivo de España Comunidades Autónomas de España. Genmagic -  Mapes interactius

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021

International Day of Women and Girls in Sciences

 1. Preme na Imaxe para ver esta presentación ... Genially!


 Mira os vídeos e comparte a túa opinión co teu profe, amig@s e familia!


2. Solve the quiz. ... Let´s.... PLAYYYYY AND LEARNNN!!


Resultado de imagen de DÍA internacional da muller e a nena



jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

Galician Ecosystems


 Read about the Galician Ecosystem and describe the one you live in!     

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020



Animal Classification

Let´s learn some facts about animals!

That´s the key to their classification!
Here you can read and play! How many do you remember?


The list of invertebrates is endless. 95 to 99% of the animals haven´t got a backbone!
Let´s find out if you know how to differenciate them from vertebrates.Click on the photo, read and play!

A lista de invertebrados é interminable. DO 95 ao 99% dos animais non teñen espiña dorsal! Imos saber se sabes cómo diferencialos dos vertebrados.Clica na foto, lee e xoga! 


Invertebrates quiz!

Watch a film and play a quiz with your dictionary. Click on the photo and enjoy!

Mira a película e contesta ao cuestionario co teu dicionario. Clica na foto e disfruta




Click the Animals that Belong

animal classification game#1
Many different animals are presented on screen.  At the start of each game, a category is flash on top of screen. Click on animals that belong to the category. You will get the score after completing each round. Fun and exciting.



Learn more Animal Classes

animal classification #2
Children can start to learn about the different animal classes before playing the game. They learn about the features of mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and insects. When playing the game, it shows why a certain animal is classified in its category. This is very helpful to make kids understand the relation of classification and the features.



jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

Explore a cell

 Here you can learn a lot related to cells.

Go microscopical and find out!!

Explore a Cell | Centre of the Cell

Cell craft

We all know human beings are multicellular organisms...
Ever wondered what would feel to be a cell?

Cells to Systems


What are ALL living organisms formed by?
Did you say cells? Well done! ;)
Let´s find out more about the smallest unit of life

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Solar system

Oh my gosh!!                                                                                  Mechachis!!
The Universe is spinning out of control!                          O Universo está xirando sen control!
Can you restore the Earth and Moon orbits?               Podes poñer en orde a órbita de Terra e a Lúa?
Our future is in your hands.... and brain!                 O noso futuro está nas túas mans..... e cerebro!

Let´s play! :)

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

A ciencia no teclado

Moi boas, amig@s.
Imos xogar a escribir estas palabras de xeito correcto.

Practise your skills with.... Se montó el pollo!
Coidado..cando saia Ñ, tedes que pulsar N.
Avisad@s estades.
E agora... Demostra o ben que o fas.
Canto mellor o fagades, máis puntos.
Se queredes me enviades o resultado ao correo.
Cando saia a pantalla co resultado, por exemplo eu fixen 168.
 Pulsades a tecla Imp Pt (que fai foto á imaxe da pantalla e a pegades no correo. 
 A ver que tal vos foi. :)

Desta volta, imos facer de Agricultores.
Follow the instructions and answer the questions correctly.
Have fun! :)
Watch the video and enjoy!
Water, sun, mineras.... LIFE! :) 


jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

What a wonderful world

This is Louis Armstrong.
One of the greatest jazz musicians ever.
Complete the song with the correct word.
I like it a lot. I hope you too!
Xabi :)

 For more info about Louis Armtrong click the picture

Iguana vs. snakes 
Hi, there! Remember this video?
Click the picture.... If you dare!!
Choose the correct answer!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Idade Antiga na Península Ibérica

How are you my little/medium/big friends? 😊
Happy you´re good these days!
Let´s see how much you learnt!!
Enjoy the game...and see you soon! Let´s read and learn about old civilizations
 and our country´s history! :)

Do you know the civilizations of our Peninsula in ancient times?
Show it!!

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

Ancient Egypt

Let´s have an adventure
Pharaoh´s Tomb!

 Explore and learn about ancient Egypt.
Solve the quizzes and become the Pharaoh!

Resultado de imaxes para: explore ancient Egypt 

Be a brave archeologist
and solve this egyptian tomb adventure!

Resultado de imaxes para: Egyptian tomb adventure

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Ancient Greece

Which Greek god / goddess are you?
Describe yourself
and find out your Greek divinity!
Resultado de imagen de greek god quiz

Explore ancient Greece, solve the quizzes...
and become a great philosopher! :)
Resultado de imaxes para: explore ancient greece

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Water Cycle Game

This game will help you to practice all the water cycle vocabulary. 

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

10 Fun Facts About Water!

We have learned so much about water, but here in this video we can see some new and interesting facts!

viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

Coastal landscapes.

Let´s have fun! :)

Let´s play and learn!!! :)

Here is a wonderful game about landscapes.
Click on the picture and enjoy!!

Resultado de imagen de Praia cabanas pontedeume

jueves, 24 de enero de 2019

How do coasts change?

   Let´s have a look at the erosion made by the sea to form beaches, caves, headlands, bays, etc.


jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Do you recycle?

Recycling is easy and important for the planet! Can you recycle these things correctly?

Mardi Gras Costumes!

Mardi Gras is a fun carnival celebration!

It is popular in the city of New Orleans in the United States.

People dress up as fairies, mythical creatures, or medieval characters.

What can you see in these costumes?

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

No water no life

Imos analizar que é mellor... 
A auga engarrafada ou a da billa?