Animal Classification
Let´s learn some facts about animals!
That´s the key to their classification!
Here you can read and play! How many do you remember?
The list of invertebrates is endless. 95 to 99% of the animals haven´t got a backbone!
Let´s find out if you know how to differenciate them from vertebrates.Click on the photo, read and play!
A lista de invertebrados é interminable. DO 95 ao 99% dos animais non
teñen espiña dorsal! Imos saber se sabes cómo diferencialos dos
vertebrados.Clica na foto, lee e xoga!
Invertebrates quiz!
Mira a película e contesta ao cuestionario co teu dicionario. Clica na foto e disfruta
Click the Animals that Belong

different animals are presented on screen. At the start of each game, a
category is flash on top of screen. Click on animals that belong to the
category. You will get the score after completing each round. Fun and
Learn more Animal Classes

can start to learn about the different animal classes before playing the
game. They learn about the features of mammals, reptiles, birds,
amphibians and insects. When playing the game, it shows why a certain
animal is classified in its category. This is very helpful to make kids
understand the relation of classification and the features.
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